Álex Pérez-Sánchez
Tagline:PhD Student & Teaching Assistant @ Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Barcelona, España
About me
I'm Álex Pérez-Sánchez, a researcher and PhD candidate in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. I started my journey in chemistry here, earning my Bachelor’s degree, and later completed a Master’s in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling at the Universitat de Barcelona. Right now, I’m working on the computational study of inflammatory processes, aiming to support the development of new drugs, with guidance from Professors Àngels González Lafont and José María Lluch López in the MolBioMed Research Group.
My research covers several interesting topics:
(1) Photoswitches and COX-2: Investigating the mechanisms of photoswitches that can target COX-2, a protein linked to inflammation and cancer.
(2) Human COX-2 Dimer: Exploring the potential of the human COX-2 dimer as a new target for cancer therapy.
(3) Allosteric Studies of Lipoxygenases (ALOX12 and ALOX15): Using QM/MM studies to examine the reactivity and control of lipoxygenases ALOX12 and ALOX15 through allosteric binding sites.
(4) Inflammation-related Receptors: Focusing on LGR6 and EP4 receptors to understand their roles and therapeutic potential in inflammation.
These projects allow me to explore how these molecules work and how they could be used in future drug treatments.
Beyond research, I’m passionate about teaching and sharing science. I’ve spent almost nine years tutoring high school students in chemistry and related subjects, and I enjoy finding ways to make complex topics easier to understand. Science communication is important to me, and I’m excited to continue sharing knowledge and inspiring others.
Doctor of Philosophy
from: 2022, until: presentField of study:Computational Chemistry applied to BiosystemsSchool:Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaLocation:Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona
DescriptionThis programme aims to train researchers both for the business and academic sectors covering a wide range of areas from molecular structures to industrial applications.
Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
from: 2021, until: 2023Field of study:Computational ChemistrySchool:Universitat de BarcelonaLocation:Barcelona
DescriptionThe TCCM master will teach you the fundamental of Quantum Chemistry, which is at the core of most accurate techniques in Theoretical Chemistry, but will also provide you with the necessary skills to use and modify the most advanced software codes used to perform simulations of real systems. You will also learn to simulate complex systems by combining techniques based on Quantum Mechanics with classical Molecular Dynamics techniques.
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry
from: 2017, until: 2021Field of study:ScienceSchool:Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaLocation:Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona
DescriptionA bachelor’s degree offering theoretical and experimental training in what matter is and how it can be analysed and transformed, both from the scientific perspective as well as possible industrial applications
Work Experiences
PhD Student Representative on the Academic Personnel Committee
from: 2024, until: presentOrganization:Universitat Autónoma de BarcelonaLocation:Cerdanyola de Vallès, Barcelona
Visiting PhD Student
from: 2024, until: 2024Organization:Stockholms universitetLocation: Stockholm, Sweden
Description:3-months stay at Kaila Lab working on EP4 receptor under the supervision of Ville Kaila and mentored by Patricia Saura.
PhD Student
from: 2022, until: presentOrganization:Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaLocation:Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona
Description:Supervised by Prof. Àngels González-Lafont & José M. Lluch
Teaching Assistant
from: 2022, until: presentOrganization:Universitat Autònoma de BarelonaLocation:Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona
Master Student Researcher
from: 2022, until: 2023Organization:Universitat de Barcelona
Research Collaborator
from: 2021, until: 2022Organization:Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaLocation:Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona
Undergraduate Student Researcher
from: 2020, until: 2021Organization:Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaLocation:Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona
Cover Image
GraphicPublisher:Protein ScienceDate:2025Authors:Álex Pérez SánchezCarles CurutchetÀngels González-LafontJosé M. LluchDescription:Allosteric structural communication path between the NANQ-IMC6 ligands in monomer A and monomer B of the homodimer of human Cyclooxygenase-2. For details, see: Álex Pérez-Sánchez, et al., Protein Science, 2024.
Replication Data for "First-principles Simulations of the Fluorescence Modulation of a COX-2 Specific Fluorogenic Probe upon Protein Dimerization for Cancer Discrimination"
DatasetPublisher:CORA.Repositori de Dades de RecercaDate:2025Authors:Álex Pérez-Sanchez Carles CurutchetÀngels González-LafontJosé M. LluchDescription:This dataset contains simulation results and analyses related to the fluorescence modulation of a COX-2 specific fluorogenic probe.
First-principles simulations of the fluorescence modulation of a COX-2 specific fluorogenic probe upon protein dimerization for cancer discrimination
Journal ArticlePublisher:Protein ScienceDate:2025Authors:Álex Pérez-SánchezCarles CurutchetÀngels González-LafontJosé M. LluchDescription:Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) plays a crucial role in inflammation and has been implicated in cancer development. Understanding the behavior of COX-2 in different cellular contexts is essential for developing targeted therapeutic strategies. In this study, we investigate the fluorescence spectrum of a fluorogenic probe, NANQ-IMC6, when bound to the active site of human COX-2 in both its monomeric and homodimeric forms. We employ a multiscale first-principles simulation protocol that combines ground state MM-MD simulations with multiple excited state adiabatic QM/MM Born-Oppenheimer MD simulations based on linear response TD-DFT, which allows to account for protein heterogeneity effects on excited-state properties. Emission is then estimated from polarizable embedding TD-DFT QM/MMPol calculations. Our findings indicate that the emission shift arises from dimerization of the highly overexpressed COX-2 in cancer tissues, in contrast to the monomer structure present in inflammatory lesions and in normal cells with constitutive COX-2. This spectral shift is linked to changes in specific protein–probe interactions upon dimerization due to changes in the environment, whereas steric effects related to modulation of the NANQ geometry by the protein scaffold are found to be minor. This research paves the way for detailed investigations on the impact of environment structural transitions on the spectral properties of fluorogenic probes. Moreover, the fact that COX-2 exists as homodimer just in cancer tissues, but as monomer elsewhere, gives novel hints for therapeutical avenues to fight cancer and contributes to the development of drugs targeted to COX-2 dimer in cancer, but without affecting constitutive COX-2, thus minimizing off-target effects.
Computational Calculation of the Fluorescence Spectrum of a COX-2-specific Fluorogenic Probe Inside the Human COX-2
ThesisPublisher:Universitat de BarcelonaDate:2023Authors:Supervised by Carles Curutchet, Àngels González-Lafont & José M. LluchEstudi Teòric de Fotointerruptors Moleculars com Possibles Inhibidors de l'Activitat Enzimàtica
ThesisPublisher:Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaDate:2021Authors:Supervised by Àngels González-Lafont
Research Projects
Approaching Cancer as an Inflammation-Based Disease: Theoretical Development of Innovative Ways to Design New Pharmacological and Photopharmacological Treatments
date: 2024Organization:Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Description:En aquest projecte teòric es generarà nou coneixement per al disseny racional de drogues capaces de mitigar o fins i tot eliminar la inflamació associada al càncer amb l’objectiu de transferir aquest coneixement a grups experimentals que sintetitzin les molècules i/o facin les anàlisis clíniques necessàries. A mitjà/llarg termini els beneficiaris seran els pacients de càncer, metges, el sistema de sanitat i les indústries biotecnològica i farmacèutiques. Atès que es pretén resoldre un problema lligat a un gran repte de la societat, aquest és un projecte multi- i interdisciplinari en el camp de la Biologia Molecular Teòrica on s’uneixen les Matemàtiques, la Física, la Química, la Bioquímica, la Biologia i la Informàtica per assolir una sinergia destinada a trobar noves vies per tractar el càncer. El càncer produeix prop de 8 milions de morts cada any. Se sap que la inflamació és una característica clau en els processos
cancerígens, de tal manera que les nombroses connexions entre càncer i inflamació són usats en diferents teràpies. El sistema immune del cos respon a la inflamació combatent els invasors i guarint el teixit danyat. Glòbuls blancs es desplacen al teixit danyat i produeixen substàncies que indueixen la divisió de les cèl·lules regenerant el teixit destruït. Aquest procés hauria d’acabar quan la ferida ha curat, però si la inflamació apareix en el moment equivocat o es torna crònica es pot produir el desenvolupament de càncers i les cèl·lules malignes poden prendre avantatge de l’entorn inflamatori eliminant les cèl·lules que pretenen lluitar contra el tumor.
El projecte es divideix en 7 paquets de treball (WPs) interconnectats:
WP1. Disseny de drogues fotoactivables per a la ciclooxigenasa-2 (COX-2). COX-2 és una proteïna induïble, una de les claus en el procés inflamatori enzimàtic.
WP2. Disseny d’inhibidors selectius de l’homodímer de la COX-2: En inflamacions causades per una lesió, la COX-2 es troba en forma monomèrica. però s’especula que, en altes concentracions, com les trobades en processos cancerígens, es pogués trobar en forma dimèrica. Això obre la porta a dissenyar fàrmacs que inhibeixin el dímer sense afectar la COX-2 constitutiva.
WP3: Disseny de quimeres i quimeres fotoquímiques amb la proteòlisi com a blanc (PROTACs i PHOTACs). L’objectiu és degradar la COX-2, una alternativa dràstica a la inhibició. El disseny de PHOTACS combina lestudi de PROTACS i la fotofarmacologia.
WP4. Disseny d’una síntesi biocatalítica de la maresina 1 (MaR1). MaR1 és un mediador habitual de macròfags en la resolució de la inflamació.
WP5. Activació de receptors de MaR1 i disseny agonistes. Inicialment, la investigació de mediadors no immunosupressors especialitzats se centrava en l’activitat del lligand. Recentment, l’atenció s’ha dirigit cap a l’elucidació del mecanisme de senyalització.
WP6. Disseny d’inhibidors selectius del procés inflamatori de la 5-lipoxigenasa. Es tracta d’un altre enzim clau en els processos inflamatoris.
WP7. Disseny de fotointerruptors operatius a la finestra bioòptica mitjançant absorció mono- o fotònica i temps de vida adequats de l’estat actiu.
Tots els WP anteriors es basen en l’obtenció de molècules fotoactivables que puguin substituir de forma eficient les molècules originals. Per això el fotointerruptor s’ha d’unir a la molècula activa.Using Biomolecular Engineering and Theoretical Photopharmacology to Design and Obtain New Drugs for Human Diseases, Including COVID-19
date: 2021Organization:Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Description:In this project in the field of theoretical molecular biology we aim to apply the most powerful tools of theoretical chemistry (quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics and biomolecular simulations) to the central problems of the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industry.
Oral Communication | El paper de la MaR1 en l’activació del receptor LGR6: Un nou camí cap a la regulació inflamatòria
Date: Jan 2025
Event name: 2a Reunió de Química Teòrica i Computacional .Location: Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC), Barcelona .
Oral Communication | Insights Into PGE2-mediated EP4 Receptor Activation Explored by Molecular Simulations
Date: Jun 2024
Event name: 9th European Workshop on Lipid Mediators (9EWLM) .Location: University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom .
Description:Lipid mediators, such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), play fundamental roles in cellular communication and in the development of diseases like cancer. The lipid mediators interact with specialized proteins called G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), with Prostaglandin E2 Receptor Type 4 (EP4) being particularly significant in cancer and inflammation, driving tumor growth, metastasis, and immune evasion. By employing advanced Free Energy Perturbation (FEP) and atomistic Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of the receptor-G proteins complex in its native membrane, we study here how PGE2 activates EP4, offering novel molecular insight into the treatment of diseases. In this regard, we unravel the complex interactions between PGE2 and EP4, revealing mechanisms behind receptor and G protein activation process. Our combined findings provide insights into the functional dynamics of for GPCRs for the future development of innovative therapeutic strategies for cancer by targeting key cellular signalling pathways
Poster Communication | Insights Into PGE2-mediated EP4 Receptor Activation Explored by Molecular Simulations
Date: Jun 2024
Event name: 9th European Workshop on Lipid Mediators (9EWLM) .Location: University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom .
Description:Lipid mediators, such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), play fundamental roles in cellular communication and in the development of diseases like cancer. The lipid mediators interact with specialized proteins called G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), with Prostaglandin E2 Receptor Type 4 (EP4) being particularly significant in cancer and inflammation, driving tumor growth, metastasis, and immune evasion. By employing advanced Free Energy Perturbation (FEP) and atomistic Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of the receptor-G proteins complex in its native membrane, we study here how PGE2 activates EP4, offering novel molecular insight into the treatment of diseases. In this regard, we unravel the complex interactions between PGE2 and EP4, revealing mechanisms behind receptor and G protein activation process. Our combined findings provide insights into the functional dynamics of for GPCRs for the future development of innovative therapeutic strategies for cancer by targeting key cellular signalling pathways
Oral Communication | Unraveling the Activation of EP4 Receptor by Prostaglandin E2
Date: Jun 2024
Event name: Electronic Structure Principles and Applications (ESPA2024) .Location: Tarragona, Catalunya, Espanya .
Description:G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are central players in cellular signaling pathways and represent
prominent targets for drug development in various diseases, including cancer. The EP4 receptor belongs to the
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) receptor family of GPCRs that has received significant attention due to its
involvement in cancer progression and inflammation. Overexpression of EP4 promotes tumor growth,
metastasis, and evasion of immune surveillance in numerous cancer types. Understanding the molecular
mechanisms underlying the EP4 receptor activation by its endogenous ligand, PGE2, and subsequent
engagement with G proteins is crucial for unraveling its role in cancer pathogenesis and devising targeted
therapeutic strategies. Using atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in combination with enhanced
sampling methods and free energy calculations, we study here the mechanisms of EP4 receptor activation by
PGE2 and its interaction with G proteins, offering insights into cancer-associated signaling pathways regulated
by this receptor.Oral Communication | Understanding COX-2 for the Design of New Cancer Drugs: Computational Study with Specific Photochromic Compounds
Date: Feb 2024
Event name: 15th Young Researchers in Atomic and Molecular Physics Conference (J2IFAM) .Location: Insitut de Ciència Molecular (ICMol), Parc Científic de la Universitat de València, València, España .
Description:Cyclooxygenases are a family of enzymes essential in the regulation of inflammation and other processes in the human body. There are two main isoforms, COX-1 and COX-2, with different roles and patterns of expression in tissues. COX-1 is widely expressed and maintains homeostasis, while COX-2 is restricted to specific regions and it is inducible, especially in at inflamed tissues and cancer cells. COX-2 overexpression is associated with the development of cancer in several types of tumors. To investigate this phenomenon, fluorescent compounds derived from anti-inflammatory drugs are usually experimentally used for the detection of COX-2 in cancer cells.
Using different computational techniques (Molecular Docking, Molecular Dynamics Simulations, QM/MM and TD-DFT Calculations) we have calculated and analyzed the fluorescence spectra of a photochromic compound bound to the monomer and dimer of human COX-2. The differences between the monomeric and dimeric spectra reveals molecular insights of the protein’s behavior in cells with COX-2 overexpressed. This research provides valuable information for the possible future design of specific drugs for cancer treatments.Oral Communication | Entendre la COX-2 pel Dissney de Fàrmacs Contra el Càncer: Estudi Computacional Mitjançant un Compost Fluorogènic Específic
Date: Jan 2024
Event name: 13a Trobada de Joves Investigadors dels Països Catalans .Location: Tarragona, Catalunya, Espanya .
Poster Communication | lluminating the Dark Side of COX-2: Insights from Computational Simulations and Fluorescent Probes in Cancer Research
Date: Aug 2023
Event name: European Conference on Computational & Theoretical Chemistry .Location: Thessaloniki, Greece .
Description:Exploring Molecular Space. Presented by the Division of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
Interactive Chemistry Sessions
From: 2024, Until: 2024
Organization:Chemistry DepartmentField:ARGO Program
Co-Supervision of Research Activities
From: 2023, Until: 2024
Organization:Chemistry DepartmentField:Final Bachelor's Degree Project
Description:Co-supervision of two final bachelor’s degree projects.
Chemistry Fundamentals
From: 2023, Until: 2024
Organization:Department of ChemistryField:Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering
Description:Professor for problems sessions of Chemistry Foundations (51.9 hours)
Quantum Chemistry
From: 2023, Until: 2024
Organization:Chemistry DepartmentField:Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry
Description:Professor for the computational laboratories of Quantum Chemistry (20 hours)
Correction and Supervision of University Entrance Tests
From: 2023, Until: 2023
Organization:Generalitat de CatalunyaField:University Entrance Tests
Description:Chemistry Corrector and Supervisor of Court 329
Quantum Chemistry
From: 2022, Until: 2023
Organization:Chemistry DepartmentField:Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry
Description:Professor for the computational laboratories of Quantum Chemistry (20 hours)
Co-Supervision of Research Activities
From: 2022, Until: 2023
Organization:Chemistry DepartmentField:Final Bachelor's Degree Project
Description:Co-supervision of one final bachelor’s degree projects.
Chemical Bonding and Structure of Matter
From: 2022, Until: 2023
Organization:Chemistry DepartmentField:Bachelor's Degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechonology
Description:Professor for the experimental laboratories of Chemical Bonding and Structure of Matter (12 hours)
Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Phase Transformations
From: 2022, Until: 2023
Organization:Chemistry DepartmentField:Bachelor's Degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Description:Professor for the experimental laboratories of Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Phase Transformations (12 hours)
Interactive Chemistry Sessions
From: 2022, Until: 2023
Organization:Chemistry DepartmentField:ARGO Program
Practical Tools for the Inclusion of Students with Functional Diversity in Teaching Types
from: Dec 2023, until: Dec 2023
Organization: Suport a estudiants amb Necessitats Educatives Específiques (PIUNE) .
Workshop for Implementation Challenge-Based Learning by Dorothea Ellinger (Technische Universität Hamburg)
from: Dec 2023, until: Dec 2023
Organization: Projecte “Desenvolupament de metodologies actives, ApS i ABR, aplicades a les assignatures de Pràctiques Externes i TFE. Una acció tutorial transversal i interdisciplinària envers els ODS”. En col·laboració amb l’Oficina de Reptes UAB .
Research data: publish open research data and create a Data Management Plan (DMP)
from: Nov 2023, until: Nov 2023
Organization: Servei de Bibloteques. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona .
What can do Charmm-GUI for you?
from: Jun 2023, until: Jun 2023
Organization: Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Margarita Salas | CSIC .
Chemical Risks in the Laboratory
from: Nov 2022, until: Nov 2022
Organization: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona .
Molecular Modelling: Biomolecules and Drug Design 2022. An Advanced Course in Computational Chemistry
from: Jun 2022, until: Jul 2022
Organization: Institut de Química Teòrica i Computacional (IQTC-UB) .
Description:The advanced course intended to broaden the vision of the potentials of computing in the research and development of new drugs, new materials or new compounds.
The course takes place for a whole week and is mainly addressed to Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy and Chemical Engineering students.School on Quantum and Mixed Quantum Classical Dynamics in Photochemistry
from: May 2022, until: May 2022
Course Number: CECAM-ES .Organization: Universidad de Zaragoza .
Description:Photoinitiated processes are important for the understanding of natural phenomena and they also play an essential role in emerging fields as renewable energy, material design and nano-medicine.
School on Kinetics and Dynamics of Chemical Reactions
from: May 2022, until: May 2022
Course Number: CECAM-ES .Organization: Universidad de Zaragoza .
Description:Molecular reaction dynamics is the study of elementary processes and the means of probing them, understanding them, and controlling them. It can be applied to reactions in gas phase, in solution and onto surfaces, exploring the elementary steps in catalysis. Nowadays, chemistry requires a molecular level understanding of the reactivity.
Image Gallery
Discover highlights of my research journey, showcasing key moments from conferences, fieldwork, and publications.
Excited to present my first poster at #EuChemSCompChem2023 in Thessaloniki, Greece! 🇬🇷 Sharing insights and connecting with fellow researchers in the world of computational chemistry.
Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to present both an oral and a poster communication at the 9th European Workshop in Lipid Mediators (9EWLM) in Edinburgh! As the only computational chemist there, it was fantastic to share my work and learn from so many experts in the field.
I want to express my gratitude to the organizers for awarding me one of the travel support grants, which allowed me to participate in this event.
Excited to apply what I’ve learned to advance my research in lipid
Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to present both an oral and a poster communication at the 9th European Workshop in Lipid Mediators (9EWLM) in Edinburgh! As the only computational chemist there, it was fantastic to share my work and learn from so many experts in the field.
I want to express my gratitude to the organizers for awarding me one of the travel support grants, which allowed me to participate in this event.
Excited to apply what I’ve learned to advance my research in lipid
Content d’haver presentat el meu treball sobre el receptor LGR6 i la MaR1 a la 2a Reunió de Química Teòrica i Computacional. 🖥️⚛️
Gràcies a la Societat Catatala de Química per donar l’espai per poder fer una mica de ciència en català! 🧬
Contact me
Álex Pérez Sánchez
Office C7/157, Facultat de Ciències i Biociències
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Cerdanyola del Vallès, Campus de la UAB
Barcelona, ES